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Trainers & Facilitators

Barbra Esher, Certified NVC Trainer

Barbra Esher

CNVC Certified Trainer


Barbra Esher knows it’s easy to be present when life is pleasant and can be tough when times are challenging. She dreams of a world in which we all have the capacity to stay connected with ourselves and each other in the challenging times. She specializes in untangling knots of pain, discovering the beauty locked inside of each of us, and facilitating a free flow of life energy and interconnection. Racism, addiction, and death have been her greatest teachers and favorite topics for seminars. 


Early in her son’s 10-year journey with addiction, they were introduced to Nonviolent Communication (NVC). This supported transforming their relationship from shame and blame to love and acceptance. Her capacity for saying “Yes!” to life, exactly as it is, has been deeply cultivated by a Nonviolent Communication and life-long mindfulness practice.


Her relationship with Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh has animated her work in promoting peace, reconciliation, and social justice. She has pursued her aspirations with zeal, accumulating more than 1,000 hours of training all over the world in multiple modalities, including 25 years’ experience in the healing arts of acupuncture, shiatsu, and East Asian medicine.


She looks forward to connecting with you and invites you to her free offering:  Buddha Meets Beauty of Needs - online every day - a daily guided Loving Kindness meditation/Beauty of Needs combo. Love and Kindness usually top the list followed by health and well-being, safety, happiness and freedom.  'I love requests!'


If interested, send a message on What’s App +1-410-499-1986 and tell me how you found me. I’ll add you to the group and you will receive a daily link Zoom link, topic, and a recording later.  Also available to watch on YouTube 




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