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Sun, Apr 24


Riviera Beach

Blueberry Muffins and Working with Anger: Fear of Others Reactivity

In-person event: Our focus is on developing our body awareness skills when others are angry so we can more likely be in choice. Boundaries?

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Blueberry Muffins and Working with Anger: Fear of Others Reactivity
Blueberry Muffins and Working with Anger: Fear of Others Reactivity

Time & Location

Apr 24, 2022, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Riviera Beach, 450 Carvel Beach Rd, Chestnut Hill Cove, MD 21226, USA

About the event

Presented by Barbra Esher and Assisted by Chris Hartstein in-person- Please register before coming because I have limited space!

Do we rebel, submit, or something different?

One  of the many reasons people get interested in Nonviolent Communication  (NVC) is they want to know how to speak so as not to make someone else  angry. And still, even after years of training and practice, we can’t  control someone else’s reactivity.

The more I work with NVC  consciousness, the more choices I have in how to listen and speak in a  way that reflects my values. If I want connection with someone, I am  able to listen more deeply and more likely to be able to express what is  most important to me, as compared to ten years ago. And still,  sometimes people get triggered, although, less often. It is a living and  learning process, not a destination.  It takes practice, with anger in  particular.

In the workshop description, I put a question mark  after “boundaries?” because sometimes, anger from others stimulates so  much trauma within ourselves based on our past experiences that we may  choose to not connect with the other person or request certain criteria  to be in place as we heal our own wounds.

We will be discussing  the topic as a group and participating in smaller dyads or triads.  Please keep in mind that you are in choice at all times. Let us know if  you want to be in a small group based on one of your identities or if  you would prefer to journal on your own for any reason.

Please  join us in person at my house in Carvel Beach, MD. The first 9 people  that register for the in-person event will get a muffin made with home  grown organic blueberries! We are experimenting with having it available  as a hybrid event, so if for some reason you can’t meet us in person,  consider joining us virtually, including all of the imperfections that  come with that technology. Click here to register for that option.   or contact me here, deleting spaces Qi of NVC

Working with Anger

Part 1: Fear of Other People’s Reactivity, April 24th

Part 2: Listening When Someone is Exploding (what date is good for you?)

Part 3: Expressing Yourself When You Are in the Fire

Carvel Beach address sent with registration. I am just a few miles south of Baltimore, in Northern AA County

More Information

This  event usually occurs monthly on the third Sunday to support Nonviolent  communication (NVC) understanding and practice. This month, it occurs on  the forth Sunday because of Easter.

We welcome new participants  at any level. It’s fun when a ‘newbie’ comes and we, ‘newbies’ not so  long ago, suddenly see that we’ve learned something important we can  pass on, at the same time deepening our understanding of new contexts.  If you're already skilled in NVC, we would enjoy sharing support and  companionship.

$$ info:  The requested fee is $20-$50 per person. Please don't let the cost keep you from coming. Contact  me if money is keeping you from attending. Sustainability is important  to me and contribution even more so, which I can't do unless you show  up! For more information call Barbra at 410 499 1986 or email (deleting  spaces): Qi of NVC

Barbra Esher, CNVC certified trainer

It’s easy to be present when life is pleasant and can be tough when times are challenging.

I  dream of a world in which we all have the capacity to stay connected  with ourselves and each other in the challenging times. I specialize in  untangling knots of pain, discovering the beauty locked inside of each  of us, and facilitating a free flow of life energy and interconnection.  Racism, addiction, and death have been my greatest teachers and favorite  topics for seminars and coaching. I love coaching and connecting around  any communication topics as well, such as challenges with relationships  and parenting.

Early in my son’s 10-year journey with addiction,  we were introduced to Nonviolent Communication (NVC). This supported  transforming our relationship from shame and blame to love and  acceptance. My capacity for saying “yes!” to life, exactly as it is, has  been deeply cultivated by a Nonviolent Communication and life-long  mindfulness practice. Responding from that yes and love rather than old  trauma is my life-long practice, one day at a time, one breath at a  time, one heart at a time.

My relationship with Zen master Thich  Nhat Hanh has animated my work in promoting peace, reconciliation, and  social justice. I have pursued my aspirations with zeal, accumulating  hundereds of thousands of hours of training all over the world in  multiple modalities, including 30 years’ experience in the healing arts  of acupuncture, shiatsu, and East Asian medicine.

I look forward to connecting with you.

Email me: or +1(410)360-3534 (land line)

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